
Ethel Reeves

Passionate Educator, Author, Coach and Encourager

“Peace is something that belongs to usand the pursuit is worth it all.

About Ethel Reeves

Ethel E. Reeves, MEd, is a passionate educator and encourager. As founder of The Encouragement Group, she uses her life experiences and growth opportunities to encourage others to take the steps to maximize the greatness that exists inside of them. A native of Lynchburg, Virginia, she is a mother, a grandmother, a cosmetologist, a powerful speaker, and an entrepreneur.


Finding The Missing Peace To Life's Puzzle

Everyone’s life consists of challenges and situations that, just like a puzzle, come together to shape who we are and how we present ourselves. A puzzle is not complete when there is a missing piece and life is not complete when there is missing peace. Ethel shares strategies that help the reader sort through the challenges of life while maintaining a focus on finding peace.

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Contact Ethel Reeves

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  • 434.401.0622